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Missing doses or taking pills incorrectly can lead to adverse outcomes.

UP TO 90%

Up to 90% of patients do NOT take medication properly.


Resulting in 28% emergency room visits.


And 23% assisted living admissions.

Why people don't take their pills

Unintentional Reason 1

Misunderstanding instructions

How Doctors or Pharmacists Can Help

  • Make sure instructions are clear.
  • Have a caregiver present when issuing directions.

How Karie Can Help

  • Karie is set up and loaded by a pharmacist with medications dose times and correct quantities.

  • There’s no need to remember doses or times as Karie schedules everything and issues reminders.

Unintentional Reason 2


How Doctors or Pharmacists Can Help

  • Give individuals detailed written instructions, asks patients to repeat instructions.
  • Suggest a medication reminder system.
  • Tailor pill regiments to daily routines.
  • Recommend supervision by a care provider.
  • Ask patients to repeat instructions, or encourage individuals to keep medications in a designated area.

How Karie Can Help

  • Karie acts as your smart pill companion.
  • It knows when you need to take each medication and reminds you with visual flashing and a sound.

  • If you forget, it will notify your caregiver / loved one so they can connect with you.

Unintentional Reason 3

Complex regimens

How Doctors or Pharmacists Can Help

  • Simplify a medication regimen, if possible.
  • Suggest a medication reminder system.

How Karie Can Help

  • The patient uses Katie to deliver pharmacist organized and scheduled medications, making the process as simple as possible.
  • Karie automatically issues a reminder when it’s time to take each dose.

Unintentional Reason 4

Importance of adherence under-emphasized

How Doctors or Pharmacists Can Help

  • Emphasize the importance of adhering to a regimen.
  • Especially for asymptomatic conditions such as high blood pressure and high colesterol.

How Karie Can Help

  • Karie will keep you on track, reminding you to support your wellness.
  • Karie will connect with your caregiver/loved one if you miss doses so they can check in with you.

Unintentional Reason 5

Lack of knowledge

How Doctors or Pharmacists Can Help

  • Give individuals clear oral and written information.
  • Ensure a label is not outdated.
  • Make follow-up telephone calls or write the reason for medication use on the label.

How Karie Can Help

  • Your pharmacist has organized Karie dose pouches to ensure you don’t need to.
  • Karie will remind you when it’s time to take your medication.

Unintentional Reason 6

Frequent daily doses

How Doctors or Pharmacists Can Help

  • Consider options to reduce dosing frequency

How Karie Can Help

  • Your pharmacist can schedule Karie to your exact needs.
  • Taking into account your lifestyle, to accomodate your needs as much as possible.

“Drugs don't work in patients who don't take them.”

C. Everett Koop, MD, US Surgeon General, 1985