In coordination with a pharmacist Karie delivers doses to complement lifestyles, personal routines, and medication regimens. People forget, they run out of pills, or they can’t keep track of dosing times.
Karie can accommodate specific meal times, bed times, or daily activities. And it’s easy to stay on track even during outings because Karie pre-delivers pouches you can take with you.
A pharmacist builds a schedule to coordinate dose times, avoid medication conflicts or accommodate a large number of pills.
Running out of medication is never an issue because pharmacists know exactly when to refill the Karie cartridge.
All medication schedules are easy to see at the touch of a button or with the Karie companion app. Users and loved ones know exactly when the next dose is due.
Karie makes it easy to stay coordinated and never worry about missing doses.
To buy Karie for yourself or a loved one, visit the How to Buy Karie page.